Keeping it Local

Local employment is important to us. The majority of our employees come from local communities, with the opportunity to progress through the ranks. Our Trust teaches valuable life skills to youth in Mufindi District, while encouraging participation in income-generating projects for long-term self sufficiency.

Local Produce
On the family farm in The Southern Highlands, we have created bountiful gardens and reared a variety of livestock. The fruit and vegetables, meat and dairy, produced on the farm are then sent out to supply our camps and lodges, ensuring a healthy stock of fresh produce.
Production further extends to building materials, whereby much of the resources used to build our camps and lodges are grown and processed on the farm.

Local Employment
The incredible staff at Foxes Safari Camps are an extended part of the family. Many of those who we train and employ are from the Mufindi District, a continuation of our efforts to support the community so hard hit by HIV/AIDS.
We recognise the difficulties local people face when seeking out work without much formal education, a result of a poor education system. That is why we bring in employees who have minimal training or education and provide them with the opportunity to learn and progress through the ranks at Foxes Safari Camps.

Local Guides
We are very proud of our guides, who are all trained in-house to know all there is about the National Park where they live and work in. Unlike other guides who have a general knowledge of the country's flora and fauna, Foxes Safari Camps guides have a unique knowledge of the specific local environment you find yourself in.
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